
Biddulph & Biddulph Cider Co.
pure gold

The apple does not fall far from the tree.
Like father like son.


The ACT test & Beauty Sleep

I got up really early this morning to make breakfast for Amy so she could have great energy to take the ACT test.When I went back to bed this is what I found.......yes. Emily snuck into my place and she really does wear a beauty mask to bed. hahahahahahaha and Mike probably thinks thats me cuddling next to him;)
Gotta Love Saturday Mornings!


2 of My Favorite Things

Dinner Time and Bed Time!
Tucking kids in and going to bed after a long hard day, Ohh how I love!
I have a wonderful bed.
But since our family is growing Mike bought me a beautiful kitchen table for my birthday.
Our family is changing and it reminds me of a song my parents have always loved.
"No Empty Chairs". It has just been lately I understand why....
verse 2 goes like this-
Time will fly, and all too quickly
Some will leave to try their wings
Empty places at our table
Will tug at our heartstrings
But the number at our table
Will increase as children come
Bringing to our family table
Sweet innocence and fun

we'll add a few more chairs to our table
A lot more laughter and love
As our joy is multiplied daily
To fill our cup!

I also loved Elder Eyrings talk at conference and I have the same plea
"Please, no empty Chairs"

Fall Time

This is what we have been up to.........
more soccer
and a lot of volleyball!



We can learn a lot from trees,
they're always grounded but never stop reaching heavenward.
-Everett Mamor-
Trees planted by the M&M Biddulph Family by numbers-
59 Quaking Aspen
43 Pine
(-1 that we used for a Christmas tree last year)
8 Apple
7 May Day
6 Crab Apple
4 Peach
3 Plum
3 Cherry
2 Pear
2 Mountain Ash
2 Apricot
1 Maple
And 1 Weeping Willow growing heavenward (8 ft. a year) that soon will be big enough to build a play house in for our posterity!

With all these trees comes lots of work.... pruning, canning, watering, praying, spraying, picking, juicing, more canning, drying and most important Mike talking to them:) And now it is time for our long winter nap... from gardening. Yipee!