
Biddulph Family Traditions

Some of our favorites...

1. Cutting down our christmas tree. And yes that is Mike hiding in the back, with an ax looking like he is going to chop down his children.

2. Making ginger bread houses at grandma Moore's. This year we made over 25...maybe I am exaggerating a bit but it sure seemed like a lot?)

3. Shopping at target with the family to buy each others christmas gifts.

4. 12 days of christmas to 3 lucky neighbors.

5. Christmas eve program. Last year Carson & Emily were lucky enough to be (Mary & Joseph)
6. This year we are adding to our tradition list a fondue/hot tub night.

7. Decorating the tree with all the kids ornaments they get each year and the ones they have made. Our tree this year is my favorite.
I love traditions!


Kelli and Derek Hill said...

love this post! I love all those traditions. It make me very nostalgic for my childhood. :) LOVE YOU!

Rebekah said...

What fun traditions! It was fun making gingerbread houses with you. You did an awesome job assembling all the candy and making A LOT of frosting. Beautiful tree. We just got ours up and it was so fun to see the kids all excited. Katy made some ornaments in school last year and it was fun to put them up this year as our first kids-made ornaments.

Jaymie said...

i bet those housed turned out great!! and the pictures of jack on the post below are SOOO adorable : ) merry christmas marla!